“Soulfully Speaking” is a weekly live show hosted by Brian G. Bachand. Each episode offers simple, inspirational, and insightful guidance to help you align your personal and professional life with joy.
17 Meaningful Minutes
Inspired by Brian’s unique life journey, the show focuses on the importance of progress over perfection, embracing vulnerability, and the pursuit of enlightenment symbolized by the number 17.
Episode Structure Each episode centers around a particular theme and features a simple story to illustrate it. Transformative takeaways are guaranteed even after just ONE episode…

Join Brian live every Monday at 12:00 PM EST
on LinkedIn and YouTube


Bring the transformative spirit of “Soulfully Speaking” to your organization event, or conference with Brian G. Bachand as your keynote speaker.
Why Brian G. Bachand?
Brian’s experience, transitioning from being a priest to an executive and entrepreneur, brings a unique perspective to the stage.
After reconnecting with his own life’s mission, his message resonates with audiences looking for inspiration, guidance, and a fresh approach to personal and professional growth.


A New World Unveiled: Embrace Transformation, Shed the Past, and Triumph Over Resistance
In this captivating keynote, Brian unveils the art of conscious transformation in both personal and professional spheres. Through the power of storytelling, he guides the audience to shed old identities, follow their hearts, and embrace a new way of life, even in the face of resistance from the world.
Beyond Titles: Embracing Your Mission for True Excellence
Explore the essence of purpose-driven leadership as Brian weaves stories that deeply resonate with the audience. Delve into creating a culture of transformation, vision, intuition, and spirituality. Let Brian demonstrate how going beyond job titles can lead to genuine excellence.
From Steeples to Mountain Tops: Navigating Our Faith’s Evolution
In this touching keynote, Brian invites the audience to witness the spiritual evolution. Through the power of storytelling, Brian will guide you from the familiar steeples of tradition to the majestic mountain tops of spiritual growth. Discover how faith serves as the guiding force in Brian’s life and yours, helping you overcome life’s challenges and become the best version of yourself.
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